
Stargazer Quilt
I have an abiding love of all things Laundry Basket Quilts. In fact I even had my photo taken with

Week 52 - Crossroads
Well, here we are - finally - at Week 52 and our last block for this Sew A Long. I really hope that you have enjoyed making these blocks along with us or even just found a few that you could use for other projects. I have thoroughly loved making these blocks. Some I have made before but quite a few I had never seen let alone made before. I think my favourite size is the 6” blocks

Week 51 - Buttercup
Hi there, well did you think that I had fallen off the planet and left the past two blocks undone? I have to be honest, these last two blocks have given me quite a few headaches. Not because they are difficult - because they aren’t - just trying to decide on the last two has been a tricky choice. Throw in a touch of procrastination and then a Level 4 lockdown and here we are.
I really hope that the lockdown has been okay for you and that you’ve had

Week 50 - Woven
Wow - week 50 is here. I have taken all my blocks off the design wall in the shop - when I say design wall I mean a large piece of cotton batting that is pinned on a wall. Works perfectly as the blocks stick to the cotton batting. I really liked the look of them all up on the wall and now have started making the blocks that are going to join them together.
I worked out I need 36 of these

Week 49 - Ohio Snowball Block
This weeks block is called the Ohio Snowball block. Back in week 14 we made a an Ohio Star block with a four patch and this time we’ve “snowballed” the corner blocks.
Another way to combine a traditional block with a twist. It gives the block more

Week 48 - Serenity Plus
Good morning from a crispy frosty Hawkes Bay morning - I am sitting very close to the heater for sure.
This weeks block is a lovely variation on a nine patch and we have added snowballed corners to make this block. It never ceases to amaze me how many changes you can make to a traditional block to make a new design. In saying that, at times I have wondered if I

Week 47 - Simple Pleasures
Hi there - this weeks block is called Simple Pleasures and I have made our blocks using just two fabrics. What a simple but very effective design. This is definitely a block that I would love to use in a scrappy quilt and have already grabbed some fabrics to make a start.
For the 6” block we have used just one of the

Week 46 - Spools Block
Hi there - this weeks block is a traditional well know block - the Spools Block. I love the way you can make your blocks to look traditional or modern just by the fabrics that you use.
I have kept with my two colour options - 6” block in reds and 12” blocks in blues. I would also make this block in brighter colours and made the “thread”

Week 45 - Golden Gate Block
This weeks block is called the Golden Gate Block. A variation on the Churn Dash and Shoo Fly blocks that we have already made. Nothing too hard about this and it’s all about where you put the

Week 44 - Lady of the Lake
Hi there, this weeks block is Lady of the Lake. Another traditional block that you can use in a one block quilt. The pattern that emerges as the blocks are together is always stunning.
Can you tell that there is something missing this week? Hmmmm, the blue 12” blocks has made

Week 43 - Antique Tiles
Hi there - here we are again with our next block in the Sew A Long. Did you think we had fallen off the planet? I’m sorry for the for the long delay with getting our next block up on the blog. We have been a merchant at three quilt exhibitions that were quite close together and they kind of over took my life for a wee bit. It is so good to go to

Week 42 - Disappearing Hourglass
Good morning, here we are with Week 42 - the Disappearing Hourglass block. I love these “disappearing” blocks - you start with a simple block, make a few cuts and then a totally different block appears. Someone has made a happy mistake and discovered an whole new block.
This block looks so much more complicated than it actually is - no fussy points to make. Read through the pattern and

Week 41 - Scrappy Log Cabin Heart
Hi ladies, this week we are making a heart block with a difference - a scrappy log cabin heart. How great is that. I do love a scrappy look so this is the block to add in more fabrics from your stash.
In the pattern, you make

Week 40 - Baby Bunting
It is getting chilly in the mornings now so autumn is on its way. I love autumn - sunny days and crispy mornings and definitely cooler weather that I really appreciate.
This week we are making another basket style block that also looks great when it’s put on point. The trouble with making all these blocks is

Week 39 - Triple Rail with a Twist
Good morning, this weeks block is a nice simple one with a wee twist. We have already made the Triple Rail block (week 16) but I really like when you add on a piece to the middle - like we did with last weeks block. So I have added it to our Triple Rail block.
You have option on what part of the block you add on to

Week 38 - Bon Bons
Hi there, this weeks block is a lovely one that I have seen pop up in my Instagram and Facebook feed the last couple of weeks. I’m not sure what it’s name is but I have called it the Bon Bon Block. Nice and easy block with the combination of techniques we have made many times in this sew along. It really helps to lay out the whole block the make sure you sew the right fabric combination together. By now I’m sure you’ve noticed that I have a red and cream colour way going for my 6” blocks. A few years ago I saw the book Red and White Quilts: Infinite Variety. Oh dear goodness, when I saw this book I was

Week 37 - Tulip Block
Hi ladies, here we are this week with our next week - the Tulip block.
Nice and easy and of course with half square triangles. By this stage you are half square triangle experts.

Week 36 - Flower Basket
Hi there, hope your week has treated you well.
Block 36 - Flower Basket block. Can you tell yet that I really am a lover of traditional quilt blocks and designs so this weeks block is right up my alley. This is a pieced block but there are also applique basket blocks that I love too.

Week 35 - House Block
Oh dear goodness, it has been so hot in the Hawkes Bay the last couple of days. I am so thankful that we put in air conditioning in the shop - sanity saving. I just need it at home too.
This week we are making one of my favourite blocks - the House Block. I want a whole quilt of these very traditional blocks.
There are a couple of methods you can use to make this block

Week 34 - Kings Crown
Good morning, here is this weeks block for our Sew A Long 20/21 - Kings Crown.
This week we will be making the four flying geese blocks slightly differently to previous blocks. The Fabric C piece is cut in half diagonally twice. It is really important to cut this accurately as there is no wiggle room in this unit.
I find it easiest to cut it one diagonal direction and then