Week 22 - Picnic Pinwheel

Picnic Pinwheel.jpg

Good morning, how are you doing today?

I have been on holiday for the last 10 days - yes I counted them - and when I say holiday I mean hanging out at home. I am so lucky to live on a beautiful property so holidaying at home is a lovely thing to me. Lots of thinking about all the things I could/should do and even getting some of them done. An unfortunate interruption mid holiday with a stomach bug but all on the mend. With the crazy year that 2020 has been, taking some time out was a good thing but so hard to do as well.

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This is my Crabapple tree. Is has had a hard life as I am not a great gardener. It even got snapped in half by our slightly demented goat Skippy years ago but it has survived. Not only that, it is actually is doing so well. I know it’s schmaltzy but I love this tree and that it is so stunning this time of the year - I blobbed out a lot this last week under this beautiful tree.

Silver linings - I am even ahead of myself and got this blog post up this morning. Wahoo!.

Okay, with this weeks block I have gone from one extreme to the other. Last week, not many pieces to each block and this week - half square triangle crazy. I must admit when I was piecing the 6” block I was seriously having a chat with myself about the wisdom of this. Am I selling you on making the smaller block haha.

If you look closely and not even that close, there are a couple of issues with the middle of my 6” block. A slight wiggle. Some of that is the pressing and when I turn it over there is a wee crooked seam that needs attention. I will go back and sort that out but wanted to get the blog post up first.

Also, full disclosure that sometimes our blocks don’t go according to plan and this happens with everyone, no matter how long you have been sewing. I do A LOT of unpicking sometimes.

Okay, the pattern this week is the Picnic Pinwheel and I have used three fabrics and a background. One the pattern I have put a number on each section of the block layout so you know where I put each fabric. Of course you can mix it up however you want.

Okay, that’s it for me this week. Do you have a favourite place to holiday at home? Take care and have a fantastic week.


Week 23 - Log Cabin Variation


Week 21 - Economy Block